This is called a diary, but a diary is written in daily, and I intend to update this page every month or so, so really it's a mensuary. Either way, I'll write about my life here.
Life Update: February 2025
I got a job. I was ready to rant about how hard it is to get a job in this economy, but then I actually got a job. However I think my points about it being hard still apply. I applied for jobs everyday, grinded on linkedin and rewrote my resumée for a month and a half, and only got to the interview stage twice. Once they sent me a message on whatsapp saying I didn’t get the job, the other time I got it right there and then. The job I did get makes me no longer unemployed, but it does make me underemployed and underpaid. I made the decision to take the offer even though it was below my expected salary range and below my professional certification because I need the experience in the field to be able to get better jobs in the future. I already have internships, but those don’t count in the job market, apparently. My boyfriend already makes some money so now we’re a dual-income household, so I won’t die of hunger. It’s still discouraging to feel my work is undervalued. I’ll do my best at this job, because I want to work, and I want to work in my field; I like my field.
I’m a little bit worried about the required hours. It’s 44 hours a week. It’s the first full-time job I’ve ever had. I’m a very lazy person, usually. I sleep until midday, and I like to have a few hours per day to sit and do nothing. I won’t be able to do that anymore, and I’m scared I won’t be able to handle the workload. Wish me luck.
Life Update: December 2024
This last semester of the year has been full of huge changes in my personal life. In September, I moved in with my long-time partner -- and moved away from my parents -- for the first time in my life. Then, on the first of December, my beloved pet Sol died, she was the last one remaining of the couple of parakeets I’ve had since I was a teen. Also in December, I presented my bachelor’s dissertation, and I was approved, which means that I graduated. This means that I’m no longer a student, but if I’m not a student then I am unemployed. I want to make new years resolutions to go to the gym and journal and all that, but I think the only resolution that really makes sense for me to do right now is to get a steady job, then I can think about the rest.